Stores both the sampling status and also a dictionary |
In the context of an SMC sampler (whose step_fn returning state has a .particles attribute), there's an inner |
In the context of an SMC sampler (whose step_fn returning state |
Module Contents#
- class StateWithParameterOverride[source]#
Stores both the sampling status and also a dictionary that contains an dictionary with parameter names as key and (n_particles, *) arrays as meanings. The latter represent a parameter per chain for the next mutation step.
- build_kernel(smc_algorithm, logprior_fn: Callable, loglikelihood_fn: Callable, mcmc_step_fn: Callable, mcmc_init_fn: Callable, resampling_fn: Callable, mcmc_parameter_update_fn: Callable[[blackjax.smc.base.SMCState, blackjax.smc.base.SMCInfo], Dict[str, blackjax.types.ArrayTree]], num_mcmc_steps: int = 10, **extra_parameters) Callable [source]#
In the context of an SMC sampler (whose step_fn returning state has a .particles attribute), there’s an inner MCMC that is used to perturbate/update each of the particles. This adaptation tunes some parameter of that MCMC, based on particles. The parameter type must be a valid JAX type.
- Parameters:
smc_algorithm – Either blackjax.adaptive_tempered_smc or blackjax.tempered_smc (or any other implementation of a sampling algorithm that returns an SMCState and SMCInfo pair).
logprior_fn – A function that computes the log density of the prior distribution
loglikelihood_fn – A function that returns the probability at a given position.
mcmc_step_fn – The transition kernel, should take as parameters the dictionary output of mcmc_parameter_update_fn. mcmc_step_fn(rng_key, state, tempered_logposterior_fn, **mcmc_parameter_update_fn())
mcmc_init_fn – A callable that initializes the inner kernel
mcmc_parameter_update_fn – A callable that takes the SMCState and SMCInfo at step i and constructs a parameter to be used by the inner kernel in i+1 iteration.
extra_parameters – parameters to be used for the creation of the smc_algorithm.
- as_top_level_api(smc_algorithm, logprior_fn: Callable, loglikelihood_fn: Callable, mcmc_step_fn: Callable, mcmc_init_fn: Callable, resampling_fn: Callable, mcmc_parameter_update_fn: Callable[[blackjax.smc.base.SMCState, blackjax.smc.base.SMCInfo], Dict[str, blackjax.types.ArrayTree]], initial_parameter_value, num_mcmc_steps: int = 10, **extra_parameters) blackjax.base.SamplingAlgorithm [source]#
In the context of an SMC sampler (whose step_fn returning state has a .particles attribute), there’s an inner MCMC that is used to perturbate/update each of the particles. This adaptation tunes some parameter of that MCMC, based on particles. The parameter type must be a valid JAX type.
- Parameters:
smc_algorithm – Either blackjax.adaptive_tempered_smc or blackjax.tempered_smc (or any other implementation of a sampling algorithm that returns an SMCState and SMCInfo pair). See blackjax.smc_family
logprior_fn – A function that computes the log density of the prior distribution
loglikelihood_fn – A function that returns the probability at a given position.
mcmc_step_fn – The transition kernel, should take as parameters the dictionary output of mcmc_parameter_update_fn.
mcmc_init_fn – A callable that initializes the inner kernel
mcmc_parameter_update_fn – A callable that takes the SMCState and SMCInfo at step i and constructs a parameter to be used by the inner kernel in i+1 iteration.
initial_parameter_value – Parameter to be used by the mcmc_factory before the first iteration.
extra_parameters – parameters to be used for the creation of the smc_algorithm.
- Return type: