Sample with multiple chains in parallel#
Sampling with a few chains has become ubiquitous in modern probabilistic programming because it allows to compute better convergence diagnostics such as \(\hat{R}\). More recently a new trend has emerged where researchers try to sample with thousands of chains for only a few steps. Whatever your use case is, Blackjax has you covered: thanks to JAX’s primitives you will be able to run multiple chains on CPU, GPU or TPU.
Vectorization vs parallelization#
provides two distinct primitives to “run things in parallel”, and it is important to understand the difference to make the best use of Blackjax:
jax.vmap is used to SIMD vectorize
code. It is important to remember that vectorization happens at the instruction level, each CPU or GPU instruction will the process the information from your different chains, one intructions at a time. This can have some unexpected consequences;jax.pmap is a higher level abstraction, where processes are split across multiple devices: GPUs, TPUs, or CPU cores.
For detailed walkthrough both primitives we invite your to read JAX’s tutorials on Automatic Vectorization and Parallel Evaluation.
NUTS in parallel#
In the following we will sample from a linear regression with a NUTS sampler. This will illustrate the inherent limits with using jax.vmap
when sampling with adaptative algorithms such as NUTS.
The model is
import numpy as np
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy.stats as stats
loc, scale = 10, 20
observed = np.random.normal(loc, scale, size=1_000)
def logdensity_fn(loc, log_scale, observed=observed):
"""Univariate Normal"""
scale = jnp.exp(log_scale)
logjac = log_scale
logpdf = stats.norm.logpdf(observed, loc, scale)
return logjac + jnp.sum(logpdf)
def logdensity(x):
return logdensity_fn(**x)
def inference_loop(rng_key, kernel, initial_state, num_samples):
def one_step(state, rng_key):
state, _ = kernel(rng_key, state)
return state, state
keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, num_samples)
_, states = jax.lax.scan(one_step, initial_state, keys)
return states
from datetime import date
rng_key = jax.random.key(int("%Y%m%d")))
To make our demonstration more dramatic we will used a NUTS sampler with poorly chosen parameters:
import blackjax
inv_mass_matrix = np.array([0.5, 0.01])
step_size = 1e-3
nuts = blackjax.nuts(logdensity, step_size, inv_mass_matrix)
And finally, to put jax.vmap
and jax.pmap
on an equal foot we sample as many chains as the machine has CPU cores:
import multiprocessing
num_chains = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
Using jax.vmap
Newcomers to JAX immediately recognize the benefits of using jax.vmap
, and for a good reason: easily transforming any function into a universal function that will execute instructions in parallel is awesome!
Here we apply jax.vmap
inside the one_step
function and vectorize the transition kernel:
def inference_loop_multiple_chains(
rng_key, kernel, initial_state, num_samples, num_chains
def one_step(states, rng_key):
keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, num_chains)
states, _ = jax.vmap(kernel)(keys, states)
return states, states
keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, num_samples)
_, states = jax.lax.scan(one_step, initial_state, keys)
return states
We now prepare the initial states using jax.vmap
again, to vectorize the init
initial_positions = {"loc": np.ones(num_chains), "log_scale": np.ones(num_chains)}
initial_states = jax.vmap(nuts.init, in_axes=(0))(initial_positions)
And finally run the sampler
rng_key, sample_key = jax.random.split(rng_key)
states = inference_loop_multiple_chains(
sample_key, nuts.step, initial_states, 2_000, num_chains
_ = states.position["loc"].block_until_ready()
CPU times: user 27.3 s, sys: 210 ms, total: 27.5 s
Wall time: 26.2 s
We’ll let you judge of the correctness of the samples obtained (see the introduction notebook), but one thing should be obvious to you if you’ve samples with single chains with Blackjax before: it is slow!
Remember when we said SIMD vectorization happens at the instruction level? At each step, the NUTS sampler can perform from 1 to 1024 integration steps, and the CPU (GPU) has to wait for all the chains to complete before moving on to the next chain. As a result, each step is as long as the slowest chain.
You may be thinking that instead of applying jax.vmap
to one_step
we could apply it to the inference_loop_multiple_chains
, and the chains will run independently. Unfortunately, this is not how SIMD vectorization work although, granted, JAX’s user interface could led you to think otherwise.
Using jax.pmap
Now you may be thinking: we are limited by one chain if we synchronize at the step level, but things being random, chains that run truly in parallel should take in total roughly similar numbers of integration steps. So jax.pmap
should help here. This is true, let’s prove it!
A note on using jax.pmap
on CPU#
JAX will treat your CPU as a single device by default, regardless of the number of cores available.
Unfortunately, this means that using pmap
is not possible out of the box – we’ll first need
to instruct JAX to split the CPU into multiple devices. See this issue for more discussion on this topic.
Currently, this can only be done via XLA_FLAGS
environmental variable.
This variable has to be set before JAX or any library that imports it is imported
import os
import multiprocessing
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = "--xla_force_host_platform_device_count={}".format(
We advise you to confirm that JAX has successfuly recognized our CPU as multiple devices with the following command before moving forward:
Choosing the number of devices#
has one more limitation: it is not able to parallelize the execution when you ask it to perform more computations than there are available deviced. The following code snippet asks jax.pmap
perform 1024 operations in parallel:
def fn(x):
return x + 1
data = jnp.arange(1024)
parallel_fn = jax.pmap(fn)
except Exception as e:
compiling computation that requires 1024 logical devices, but only 4 XLA devices are available (num_replicas=1024)
This means that you will only be able to run as many MCMC chains as you have CPU cores. See this question for a more detailed discussion,
and a workaround involving nesting jax.pmap
and jax.vmap
Another option (we advise against) is to set the device count to a number larger than the core count, e.g. 200
, but it’s unclear what side effects it might have.
Back to our example#
In case of jax.pmap
, we apply the transformation directly to the original inference_loop
inference_loop_multiple_chains = jax.pmap(inference_loop, in_axes=(0, None, 0, None), static_broadcasted_argnums=(1, 3))
We could have done that in the jax.vmap
example (and it wouldn’t have helped), but we prefered to highlight in the code the fact that vectorization happens at the instruction level.
We are now ready to sample:
rng_key, sample_key = jax.random.split(rng_key)
sample_keys = jax.random.split(sample_key, num_chains)
pmap_states = inference_loop_multiple_chains(
sample_keys, nuts.step, initial_states, 2_000
_ = pmap_states.position["loc"].block_until_ready()
CPU times: user 1min 7s, sys: 54.5 ms, total: 1min 7s
Wall time: 17.7 s
Wow, this was much faster, our intuition was correct! Note that the samples are transposed compared to the ones obtained with jax.vmap
Also, note how the shape of the posterior samples are different:
states.position["loc"].shape, pmap_states.position["loc"].shape
((2000, 4), (4, 2000))
In this example the different between jax.vmap
and jax.pmap
is dramatic: it takes several minutes to jax.vmap
and a few seconds for jax.pmap
to sample the same number of chains. This is expected for NUTS, and other adaptive algorithms: each chain runs a different number of internal steps for each sample generated and we need to wait for the slowest chain.
We saw one possible solutions for those who just want a few chains to run diagnostics: parallelize using jax.pmap
. For the thousands of chains we mentionned earlier you will need something different: either distribute on several machine (expensive), or design new algorithms altogether. HMC, for instance, runs the same number of integration steps on every chain and thus doesn’t exhibit the same synchronization problem. That’s the idea behind algorithms like ChEEs and MEADS! This is a very active area of research, and now you understand why.