Source code for blackjax.adaptation.mclmc_adaptation

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"""Algorithms to adapt the MCLMC kernel parameters, namely step size and L."""

from typing import NamedTuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.flatten_util import ravel_pytree

from blackjax.diagnostics import effective_sample_size
from blackjax.util import pytree_size

[docs] class MCLMCAdaptationState(NamedTuple): """Represents the tunable parameters for MCLMC adaptation. L The momentum decoherent rate for the MCLMC algorithm. step_size The step size used for the MCLMC algorithm. """
[docs] L: float
[docs] step_size: float
[docs] def mclmc_find_L_and_step_size( mclmc_kernel, num_steps, state, rng_key, frac_tune1=0.1, frac_tune2=0.1, frac_tune3=0.1, desired_energy_var=5e-4, trust_in_estimate=1.5, num_effective_samples=150, ): """ Finds the optimal value of the parameters for the MCLMC algorithm. Parameters ---------- mclmc_kernel The kernel function used for the MCMC algorithm. num_steps The number of MCMC steps that will subsequently be run, after tuning. state The initial state of the MCMC algorithm. rng_key The random number generator key. frac_tune1 The fraction of tuning for the first step of the adaptation. frac_tune2 The fraction of tuning for the second step of the adaptation. frac_tune3 The fraction of tuning for the third step of the adaptation. desired_energy_va The desired energy variance for the MCMC algorithm. trust_in_estimate The trust in the estimate of optimal stepsize. num_effective_samples The number of effective samples for the MCMC algorithm. Returns ------- A tuple containing the final state of the MCMC algorithm and the final hyperparameters. Examples ------- .. code:: # Define the kernel function def kernel(x): return x ** 2 # Define the initial state initial_state = MCMCState(position=0, momentum=1) # Generate a random number generator key rng_key = jax.random.key(0) # Find the optimal parameters for the MCLMC algorithm final_state, final_params = mclmc_find_L_and_step_size( mclmc_kernel=kernel, num_steps=1000, state=initial_state, rng_key=rng_key, frac_tune1=0.2, frac_tune2=0.3, frac_tune3=0.1, desired_energy_var=1e-4, trust_in_estimate=2.0, num_effective_samples=200, ) """ dim = pytree_size(state.position) params = MCLMCAdaptationState(jnp.sqrt(dim), jnp.sqrt(dim) * 0.25) part1_key, part2_key = jax.random.split(rng_key, 2) state, params = make_L_step_size_adaptation( kernel=mclmc_kernel, dim=dim, frac_tune1=frac_tune1, frac_tune2=frac_tune2, desired_energy_var=desired_energy_var, trust_in_estimate=trust_in_estimate, num_effective_samples=num_effective_samples, )(state, params, num_steps, part1_key) if frac_tune3 != 0: state, params = make_adaptation_L(mclmc_kernel, frac=frac_tune3, Lfactor=0.4)( state, params, num_steps, part2_key ) return state, params
[docs] def make_L_step_size_adaptation( kernel, dim, frac_tune1, frac_tune2, desired_energy_var=1e-3, trust_in_estimate=1.5, num_effective_samples=150, ): """Adapts the stepsize and L of the MCLMC kernel. Designed for the unadjusted MCLMC""" decay_rate = (num_effective_samples - 1.0) / (num_effective_samples + 1.0) def predictor(previous_state, params, adaptive_state, rng_key): """does one step with the dynamics and updates the prediction for the optimal stepsize Designed for the unadjusted MCHMC""" time, x_average, step_size_max = adaptive_state # dynamics next_state, info = kernel( rng_key=rng_key, state=previous_state, L=params.L, step_size=params.step_size, ) # step updating success, state, step_size_max, energy_change = handle_nans( previous_state, next_state, params.step_size, step_size_max, info.energy_change, ) # Warning: var = 0 if there were nans, but we will give it a very small weight xi = ( jnp.square(energy_change) / (dim * desired_energy_var) ) + 1e-8 # 1e-8 is added to avoid divergences in log xi weight = jnp.exp( -0.5 * jnp.square(jnp.log(xi) / (6.0 * trust_in_estimate)) ) # the weight reduces the impact of stepsizes which are much larger on much smaller than the desired one. x_average = decay_rate * x_average + weight * ( xi / jnp.power(params.step_size, 6.0) ) time = decay_rate * time + weight step_size = jnp.power( x_average / time, -1.0 / 6.0 ) # We use the Var[E] = O(eps^6) relation here. step_size = (step_size < step_size_max) * step_size + ( step_size > step_size_max ) * step_size_max # if the proposed stepsize is above the stepsize where we have seen divergences params_new = params._replace(step_size=step_size) return state, params_new, params_new, (time, x_average, step_size_max), success def update_kalman(x, state, outer_weight, success, step_size): """kalman filter to estimate the size of the posterior""" time, x_average, x_squared_average = state weight = outer_weight * step_size * success zero_prevention = 1 - outer_weight x_average = (time * x_average + weight * x) / ( time + weight + zero_prevention ) # Update <f(x)> with a Kalman filter x_squared_average = (time * x_squared_average + weight * jnp.square(x)) / ( time + weight + zero_prevention ) # Update <f(x)> with a Kalman filter time += weight return (time, x_average, x_squared_average) adap0 = (0.0, 0.0, jnp.inf) def step(iteration_state, weight_and_key): """does one step of the dynamics and updates the estimate of the posterior size and optimal stepsize""" outer_weight, rng_key = weight_and_key state, params, adaptive_state, kalman_state = iteration_state state, params, params_final, adaptive_state, success = predictor( state, params, adaptive_state, rng_key ) position, _ = ravel_pytree(state.position) kalman_state = update_kalman( position, kalman_state, outer_weight, success, params.step_size ) return (state, params_final, adaptive_state, kalman_state), None def L_step_size_adaptation(state, params, num_steps, rng_key): num_steps1, num_steps2 = int(num_steps * frac_tune1), int( num_steps * frac_tune2 ) L_step_size_adaptation_keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, num_steps1 + num_steps2) # we use the last num_steps2 to compute the diagonal preconditioner outer_weights = jnp.concatenate((jnp.zeros(num_steps1), jnp.ones(num_steps2))) # initial state of the kalman filter kalman_state = (0.0, jnp.zeros(dim), jnp.zeros(dim)) # run the steps kalman_state, *_ = jax.lax.scan( step, init=(state, params, adap0, kalman_state), xs=(outer_weights, L_step_size_adaptation_keys), length=num_steps1 + num_steps2, ) state, params, _, kalman_state_output = kalman_state L = params.L # determine L if num_steps2 != 0.0: _, F1, F2 = kalman_state_output variances = F2 - jnp.square(F1) L = jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(variances)) return state, MCLMCAdaptationState(L, params.step_size) return L_step_size_adaptation
[docs] def make_adaptation_L(kernel, frac, Lfactor): """determine L by the autocorrelations (around 10 effective samples are needed for this to be accurate)""" def adaptation_L(state, params, num_steps, key): num_steps = int(num_steps * frac) adaptation_L_keys = jax.random.split(key, num_steps) # run kernel in the normal way def step(state, key): next_state, _ = kernel( rng_key=key, state=state, L=params.L, step_size=params.step_size, ) return next_state, next_state.position state, samples = jax.lax.scan( f=step, init=state, xs=adaptation_L_keys, ) flat_samples = jax.vmap(lambda x: ravel_pytree(x)[0])(samples) ess = effective_sample_size(flat_samples[None, ...]) return state, params._replace( L=Lfactor * params.step_size * jnp.mean(num_steps / ess) ) return adaptation_L
[docs] def handle_nans(previous_state, next_state, step_size, step_size_max, kinetic_change): """if there are nans, let's reduce the stepsize, and not update the state. The function returns the old state in this case.""" reduced_step_size = 0.8 p, unravel_fn = ravel_pytree(next_state.position) nonans = jnp.all(jnp.isfinite(p)) state, step_size, kinetic_change = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda new, old:, jnp.nan_to_num(new), old), (next_state, step_size_max, kinetic_change), (previous_state, step_size * reduced_step_size, 0.0), ) return nonans, state, step_size, kinetic_change