# Copyright 2020- The Blackjax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import Callable, NamedTuple
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import blackjax.mcmc as mcmc
from blackjax.adaptation.base import AdaptationResults, return_all_adapt_info
from blackjax.base import AdaptationAlgorithm
from blackjax.types import Array, ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree, PRNGKey
__all__ = ["MEADSAdaptationState", "base", "maximum_eigenvalue", "meads_adaptation"]
class MEADSAdaptationState(NamedTuple):
"""State of the MEADS adaptation scheme.
Value of the step_size parameter of the generalized HMC algorithm.
PyTree containing the per dimension sample standard deviation of the
position variable. Used to scale the momentum variable on the generalized
HMC algorithm.
Value of the alpha parameter of the generalized HMC algorithm.
Value of the delta parameter of the generalized HMC algorithm.
position_sigma: ArrayTree
def base():
"""Maximum-Eigenvalue Adaptation of damping and step size for the generalized
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo kernel :cite:p:`hoffman2022tuning`.
This algorithm performs a cross-chain adaptation scheme for the generalized
HMC algorithm that automatically selects values for the generalized HMC's
tunable parameters based on statistics collected from a population of many
chains. It uses heuristics determined by the maximum eigenvalue of the
covariance and gradient matrices given by the grouped samples of all chains
with shape.
This is an implementation of Algorithm 3 of :cite:p:`hoffman2022tuning` using cross-chain
adaptation instead of parallel ensemble chain adaptation.
Function that initializes the warmup.
Function that moves the warmup one step.
def compute_parameters(
positions: ArrayLikeTree, logdensity_grad: ArrayLikeTree, current_iteration: int
"""Compute values for the parameters based on statistics collected from
multiple chains.
A PyTree that contains the current position of every chains.
A PyTree that contains the gradients of the logdensity
function evaluated at the current position of every chains.
The current iteration index in the adaptation process.
New values of the step size, and the alpha and delta parameters
of the generalized HMC algorithm.
mean_position = jax.tree.map(lambda p: p.mean(axis=0), positions)
sd_position = jax.tree.map(lambda p: p.std(axis=0), positions)
normalized_positions = jax.tree.map(
lambda p, mu, sd: (p - mu) / sd,
batch_grad_scaled = jax.tree.map(
lambda grad, sd: grad * sd, logdensity_grad, sd_position
epsilon = jnp.minimum(
0.5 / jnp.sqrt(maximum_eigenvalue(batch_grad_scaled)), 1.0
gamma = jnp.maximum(
1.0 / jnp.sqrt(maximum_eigenvalue(normalized_positions)),
1.0 / ((current_iteration + 1) * epsilon),
alpha = 1.0 - jnp.exp(-2.0 * epsilon * gamma)
delta = alpha / 2
return epsilon, sd_position, alpha, delta
def init(
positions: ArrayLikeTree, logdensity_grad: ArrayLikeTree
) -> MEADSAdaptationState:
parameters = compute_parameters(positions, logdensity_grad, 0)
return MEADSAdaptationState(0, *parameters)
def update(
adaptation_state: MEADSAdaptationState,
positions: ArrayLikeTree,
logdensity_grad: ArrayLikeTree,
) -> MEADSAdaptationState:
"""Update the adaptation state and parameter values.
We find new optimal values for the parameters of the generalized HMC
kernel using heuristics based on the maximum eigenvalue of the
covariance and gradient matrices given by an ensemble of chains.
The current state of the adaptation algorithm
The current position of every chain.
The gradients of the logdensity function evaluated at the
current position of every chain.
New adaptation state that contains the step size, alpha and delta
parameters of the generalized HMC kernel.
current_iteration = adaptation_state.current_iteration
step_size, position_sigma, alpha, delta = compute_parameters(
positions, logdensity_grad, current_iteration
return MEADSAdaptationState(
current_iteration + 1, step_size, position_sigma, alpha, delta
return init, update
def meads_adaptation(
logdensity_fn: Callable,
num_chains: int,
adaptation_info_fn: Callable = return_all_adapt_info,
) -> AdaptationAlgorithm:
"""Adapt the parameters of the Generalized HMC algorithm.
The Generalized HMC algorithm depends on three parameters, each controlling
one element of its behaviour: step size controls the integrator's dynamics,
alpha controls the persistency of the momentum variable, and delta controls
the deterministic transformation of the slice variable used to perform the
non-reversible Metropolis-Hastings accept/reject step.
The step size parameter is chosen to ensure the stability of the velocity
verlet integrator, the alpha parameter to make the influence of the current
state on future states of the momentum variable to decay exponentially, and
the delta parameter to maximize the acceptance of proposal but with good
mixing properties for the slice variable. These characteristics are targeted
by controlling heuristics based on the maximum eigenvalues of the correlation
and gradient matrices of the cross-chain samples, under simpifyng assumptions.
Good tuning is fundamental for the non-reversible Generalized HMC sampling
algorithm to explore the target space efficienty and output uncorrelated, or
as uncorrelated as possible, samples from the target space. Furthermore, the
single integrator step of the algorithm lends itself for fast sampling
on parallel computer architectures.
The log density probability density function from which we wish to sample.
Number of chains used for cross-chain warm-up training.
Function to select the adaptation info returned. See return_all_adapt_info
and get_filter_adapt_info_fn in blackjax.adaptation.base. By default all
information is saved - this can result in excessive memory usage if the
information is unused.
A function that returns the last cross-chain state, a sampling kernel with the
tuned parameter values, and all the warm-up states for diagnostics.
ghmc_kernel = mcmc.ghmc.build_kernel()
adapt_init, adapt_update = base()
batch_init = jax.vmap(lambda p, r: mcmc.ghmc.init(p, r, logdensity_fn))
def one_step(carry, rng_key):
states, adaptation_state = carry
keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, num_chains)
new_states, info = jax.vmap(
ghmc_kernel, in_axes=(0, 0, None, None, None, None, None)
new_adaptation_state = adapt_update(
adaptation_state, new_states.position, new_states.logdensity_grad
return (new_states, new_adaptation_state), adaptation_info_fn(
new_states, info, new_adaptation_state
def run(rng_key: PRNGKey, positions: ArrayLikeTree, num_steps: int = 1000):
key_init, key_adapt = jax.random.split(rng_key)
rng_keys = jax.random.split(key_init, num_chains)
init_states = batch_init(positions, rng_keys)
init_adaptation_state = adapt_init(positions, init_states.logdensity_grad)
keys = jax.random.split(key_adapt, num_steps)
(last_states, last_adaptation_state), info = jax.lax.scan(
one_step, (init_states, init_adaptation_state), keys
parameters = {
"step_size": last_adaptation_state.step_size,
"momentum_inverse_scale": last_adaptation_state.position_sigma,
"alpha": last_adaptation_state.alpha,
"delta": last_adaptation_state.delta,
return AdaptationResults(last_states, parameters), info
return AdaptationAlgorithm(run) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def maximum_eigenvalue(matrix: ArrayLikeTree) -> Array:
"""Estimate the largest eigenvalues of a matrix.
We calculate an unbiased estimate of the ratio between the sum of the
squared eigenvalues and the sum of the eigenvalues from the input
matrix. This ratio approximates the largest eigenvalue well except in
cases when there are a large number of small eigenvalues significantly
larger than 0 but significantly smaller than the largest eigenvalue.
This unbiased estimate is used instead of directly computing an unbiased
estimate of the largest eigenvalue because of the latter's large
A PyTree with equal batch shape as the first dimension of every leaf.
The PyTree for each batch is flattened into a one dimensional array and
these arrays are stacked vertically, giving a matrix with one row
for every batch.
X = jax.vmap(lambda m: jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(m)[0])(matrix)
n, _ = X.shape
S = X @ X.T
diag_S = jnp.diag(S)
lamda = jnp.sum(diag_S) / n
lamda_sq = (jnp.sum(S**2) - jnp.sum(diag_S**2)) / (n * (n - 1))
return lamda_sq / lamda