Source code for blackjax.adaptation.step_size

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"""Step size adaptation"""
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from blackjax.mcmc.hmc import HMCState
from blackjax.optimizers.dual_averaging import dual_averaging
from blackjax.types import PRNGKey

__all__ = [

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#                        DUAL AVERAGING
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class DualAveragingAdaptationState(NamedTuple): """State carried through the dual averaging procedure. log_step_size The logarithm of the current value of the step size. log_step_size_avg The time-weighted average of the values that the logarithm of the step size has taken so far. step The current iteration step. avg_err The time average of the value of the quantity :math:`H_t`, the difference between the target acceptance rate and the current acceptance rate. mu Arbitrary point the values of log_step_size are shrunk towards. Chose to be :math:`\\log(10 \\epsilon_0)` where :math:`\\epsilon_0` is chosen in this context to be the step size given by the `find_reasonable_step_size` procedure. """
[docs] log_step_size: float
[docs] log_step_size_avg: float
[docs] step: int
[docs] avg_error: float
[docs] mu: float
[docs] def dual_averaging_adaptation( target: float, t0: int = 10, gamma: float = 0.05, kappa: float = 0.75 ) -> tuple[Callable, Callable, Callable]: """Tune the step size in order to achieve a desired target acceptance rate. Let us note :math:`\\epsilon` the current step size, :math:`\\alpha_t` the metropolis acceptance rate at time :math:`t` and :math:`\\delta` the desired aceptance rate. We define: .. math: H_t = \\delta - \\alpha_t the error at time t. We would like to find a procedure that adapts the value of :math:`\\epsilon` such that :math:`h(x) =\\mathbb{E}\\left[H_t|\\epsilon\\right] = 0` Following :cite:p:`nesterov2009primal`, the authors of :cite:p:`hoffman2014no` proposed the following update scheme. If we note :math:`x = \\log \\epsilon` we follow: .. math: x_{t+1} \\LongLeftArrow \\mu - \\frac{\\sqrt{t}}{\\gamma} \\frac{1}{t+t_0} \\sum_{i=1}^t H_i \\overline{x}_{t+1} \\LongLeftArrow x_{t+1}\\, t^{-\\kappa} + \\left(1-t^\\kappa\\right)\\overline{x}_t :math:`\\overline{x}_{t}` is guaranteed to converge to a value such that :math:`h(\\overline{x}_t)` converges to 0, i.e. the Metropolis acceptance rate converges to the desired rate. See reference :cite:p:`hoffman2014no` (section 3.2.1) for a detailed discussion. Parameters ---------- t0: float >= 0 Free parameter that stabilizes the initial iterations of the algorithm. Large values may slow down convergence. Introduced in :cite:p:`hoffman2014no` with a default value of 10. gamma: Controls the speed of convergence of the scheme. The authors of :cite:p:`hoffman2014no` recommend a value of 0.05. kappa: float in [0.5, 1] Controls the weights of past steps in the current update. The scheme will quickly forget earlier step for a small value of `kappa`. Introduced in :cite:p:`hoffman2014no`, with a recommended value of .75 target: Target acceptance rate. Returns ------- init A function that initializes the state of the dual averaging scheme. update A function that updates the state of the dual averaging scheme. """ da_init, da_update, da_final = dual_averaging(t0, gamma, kappa) def init(inital_step_size: float) -> DualAveragingAdaptationState: """Initialize the state of the dual averaging scheme. The parameter :math:`\\mu` is set to :math:`\\log(10 \\epsilon_1)` where :math:`\\epsilon_1` is the initial value of the step size. """ return DualAveragingAdaptationState(*da_init(inital_step_size)) def update( da_state: DualAveragingAdaptationState, acceptance_rate: float ) -> DualAveragingAdaptationState: """Update the state of the Dual Averaging adaptive algorithm. Parameters ---------- da_state: The current state of the dual averaging algorithm. acceptance_rate: float in [0, 1] The current metropolis acceptance rate. Returns ------- The updated state of the dual averaging algorithm. """ gradient = target - acceptance_rate return DualAveragingAdaptationState(*da_update(da_state, gradient)) def final(da_state: DualAveragingAdaptationState) -> float: return jnp.exp(da_state.log_step_size_avg) return init, update, final
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # REASONABLE FIRST STEP SIZE # ------------------------------------------------------------------- class ReasonableStepSizeState(NamedTuple): """State carried through the search for a reasonable first step size. step The current iteration step. direction: {-1, 1} Determines whether the step size should be increased or decreased during the previous step search. If direction = 1 it will be increased, otherwise decreased. previous_direction The previous direction. It is necessary to carry it because the choice of step size is made at the end of the search update. step_size The current step size in the search. """ step: int direction: int previous_direction: int step_size: float
[docs] def find_reasonable_step_size( rng_key: PRNGKey, kernel_generator: Callable[[float], Callable], reference_state: HMCState, initial_step_size: float, target_accept: float = 0.65, ) -> float: """Find a reasonable initial step size during warmup. While the dual averaging scheme is guaranteed to converge to a reasonable value for the step size starting from any value, choosing a good first value can speed up the convergence. This heuristics doubles and halves the step size until the acceptance probability of the HMC proposal crosses the target value :cite:p:`hoffman2014no`. Parameters ---------- rng_key Key used by JAX's random number generator. kernel_generator A function that takes a step size as an input and returns the corresponding sampling kernel. reference_hmc_state The location (HMC state) where this first step size must be found. This function never advances the chain. inverse_mass_matrix The inverse mass matrix relative to which the step size must be found. initial_step_size The first step size used to start the search. target_accept Once that value of the metropolis acceptance probability is reached we estimate that we have found a "reasonable" first step size. Returns ------- float A reasonable first value for the step size. """ fp_limit = jnp.finfo(jax.lax.dtype(initial_step_size)) def do_continue(rss_state: ReasonableStepSizeState) -> bool: """Decides whether the search should continue. The search stops when it crosses the `target_accept` threshold, i.e. when the current direction is opposite to the previous direction. Note ---- Per JAX's documentation :cite:p:`jax_finfo` the `jnp.finfo` object is cached so we do not occur any performance penalty when calling it repeatedly inside this function. """ _, direction, previous_direction, step_size = rss_state not_too_large = (step_size < fp_limit.max) | (direction <= 0) not_too_small = (step_size > fp_limit.tiny) | (direction >= 0) is_step_size_not_extreme = not_too_large & not_too_small has_acceptance_rate_not_crossed_threshold = (previous_direction == 0) | ( direction == previous_direction ) return is_step_size_not_extreme & has_acceptance_rate_not_crossed_threshold def update(rss_state: ReasonableStepSizeState) -> ReasonableStepSizeState: """Perform one step of the step size search.""" i, direction, _, step_size = rss_state subkey = jax.random.fold_in(rng_key, i) step_size = (2.0**direction) * step_size kernel = kernel_generator(step_size) _, info = kernel(subkey, reference_state) new_direction = jnp.where(target_accept < info.acceptance_rate, 1, -1) return ReasonableStepSizeState(i + 1, new_direction, direction, step_size) rss_state = ReasonableStepSizeState(0, 0, 0, initial_step_size) rss_state = jax.lax.while_loop(do_continue, update, rss_state) return rss_state.step_size