Source code for blackjax.mcmc.elliptical_slice

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"""Public API for the Elliptical Slice sampling Kernel"""
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from blackjax.base import SamplingAlgorithm
from blackjax.types import Array, ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree, PRNGKey
from blackjax.util import generate_gaussian_noise

__all__ = [

[docs] class EllipSliceState(NamedTuple): """State of the Elliptical Slice sampling algorithm. position Current position of the chain. logdensity Current value of the logdensity (evaluated at current position). """
[docs] position: ArrayTree
[docs] logdensity: ArrayTree
[docs] class EllipSliceInfo(NamedTuple): r"""Additional information on the Elliptical Slice sampling chain. This additional information can be used for debugging or computing diagnostics. momentum The latent momentum variable returned at the end of the transition. theta A value between [-2\pi, 2\pi] identifying points in the ellipsis drawn from the positon and mommentum variables. This value indicates the theta value of the accepted proposal. subiter Number of sub iterations needed to accept a proposal. The more subiterations needed the less efficient the algorithm will be, and the more dependent the new value is likely to be to the previous value. """
[docs] momentum: ArrayTree
[docs] theta: float
[docs] subiter: int
[docs] def init(position: ArrayLikeTree, logdensity_fn: Callable): logdensity = logdensity_fn(position) return EllipSliceState(position, logdensity)
[docs] def build_kernel(cov_matrix: Array, mean: Array): """Build an Elliptical Slice sampling kernel :cite:p:`murray2010elliptical`. Parameters ---------- cov_matrix The value of the covariance matrix of the gaussian prior distribution from the posterior we wish to sample. Returns ------- A kernel that takes a rng_key and a Pytree that contains the current state of the chain and that returns a new state of the chain along with information about the transition. """ ndim = jnp.ndim(cov_matrix) # type: ignore[arg-type] if ndim == 1: # diagonal covariance matrix cov_matrix_sqrt = jnp.sqrt(cov_matrix) elif ndim == 2: cov_matrix_sqrt = jax.lax.linalg.cholesky(cov_matrix) else: raise ValueError( "The mass matrix has the wrong number of dimensions:" f" expected 1 or 2, got {jnp.ndim(cov_matrix)}." # type: ignore[arg-type] ) def momentum_generator(rng_key, position): return generate_gaussian_noise(rng_key, position, mean, cov_matrix_sqrt) def kernel( rng_key: PRNGKey, state: EllipSliceState, logdensity_fn: Callable, ) -> tuple[EllipSliceState, EllipSliceInfo]: proposal_generator = elliptical_proposal( logdensity_fn, momentum_generator, mean ) return proposal_generator(rng_key, state) return kernel
[docs] def as_top_level_api( loglikelihood_fn: Callable, *, mean: Array, cov: Array, ) -> SamplingAlgorithm: """Implements the (basic) user interface for the Elliptical Slice sampling kernel. Examples -------- A new Elliptical Slice sampling kernel can be initialized and used with the following code: .. code:: ellip_slice = blackjax.elliptical_slice(loglikelihood_fn, cov_matrix) state = ellip_slice.init(position) new_state, info = ellip_slice.step(rng_key, state) We can JIT-compile the step function for better performance .. code:: step = jax.jit(ellip_slice.step) new_state, info = step(rng_key, state) Parameters ---------- loglikelihood_fn Only the log likelihood function from the posterior distributon we wish to sample. cov_matrix The value of the covariance matrix of the gaussian prior distribution from the posterior we wish to sample. Returns ------- A ``SamplingAlgorithm``. """ kernel = build_kernel(cov, mean) def init_fn(position: ArrayLikeTree, rng_key=None): del rng_key return init(position, loglikelihood_fn) def step_fn(rng_key: PRNGKey, state): return kernel( rng_key, state, loglikelihood_fn, ) return SamplingAlgorithm(init_fn, step_fn)
def elliptical_proposal( logdensity_fn: Callable, momentum_generator: Callable, mean: Array, ) -> Callable: """Build an Ellitpical slice sampling kernel. The algorithm samples a latent parameter, traces an ellipse connecting the initial position and the latent parameter and does slice sampling on this ellipse to output a new sample from the posterior distribution. Parameters ---------- logdensity_fn A function that returns the log-likelihood at a given position. momentum_generator A function that generates a new latent momentum variable. Returns ------- A kernel that takes a rng_key and a Pytree that contains the current state of the chain and that returns a new state of the chain along with information about the transition. """ def generate( rng_key: PRNGKey, state: EllipSliceState ) -> tuple[EllipSliceState, EllipSliceInfo]: position, logdensity = state key_slice, key_momentum, key_uniform, key_theta = jax.random.split(rng_key, 4) # step 1: sample momentum momentum = momentum_generator(key_momentum, position) # step 2: get slice (y) logy = logdensity + jnp.log(jax.random.uniform(key_uniform)) # step 3: get theta (ellipsis move), set inital interval theta = 2 * jnp.pi * jax.random.uniform(key_theta) theta_min = theta - 2 * jnp.pi theta_max = theta # step 4: proposal p, m = ellipsis(position, momentum, theta, mean) # step 5: acceptance logdensity = logdensity_fn(p) def slice_fn(vals): """Perform slice sampling around the ellipsis. Checks if the proposed position's likelihood is larger than the slice variable. Returns the position if True, shrinks the bracket for sampling `theta` and samples a new proposal if False. As the bracket `[theta_min, theta_max]` shrinks, the proposal gets closer to the original position, which has likelihood larger than the slice variable. It is guaranteed to stop in a finite number of iterations as long as the likelihood is continuous with respect to the parameter being sampled. """ _, subiter, theta, theta_min, theta_max, *_ = vals thetak = jax.random.fold_in(key_slice, subiter) theta = jax.random.uniform(thetak, minval=theta_min, maxval=theta_max) p, m = ellipsis(position, momentum, theta, mean) logdensity = logdensity_fn(p) theta_min = jnp.where(theta < 0, theta, theta_min) theta_max = jnp.where(theta > 0, theta, theta_max) subiter += 1 return logdensity, subiter, theta, theta_min, theta_max, p, m logdensity, subiter, theta, *_, position, momentum = jax.lax.while_loop( lambda vals: vals[0] <= logy, slice_fn, (logdensity, 1, theta, theta_min, theta_max, p, m), ) return ( EllipSliceState(position, logdensity), EllipSliceInfo(momentum, theta, subiter), ) return generate def ellipsis(position, momentum, theta, mean): """Generate proposal from the ellipsis. Given a scalar theta indicating a point on the circumference of the ellipsis and the shared mean vector for both position and momentum variables, generate proposed position and momentum to later accept or reject depending on the slice variable. """ position, unravel_fn = jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(position) momentum, _ = jax.flatten_util.ravel_pytree(momentum) position_centered = position - mean momentum_centered = momentum - mean return ( unravel_fn( position_centered * jnp.cos(theta) + momentum_centered * jnp.sin(theta) + mean ), unravel_fn( momentum_centered * jnp.cos(theta) - position_centered * jnp.sin(theta) + mean ), )