Source code for blackjax.mcmc.nuts

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"""Public API for the NUTS Kernel"""
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

import blackjax.mcmc.hmc as hmc
import blackjax.mcmc.integrators as integrators
import blackjax.mcmc.metrics as metrics
import blackjax.mcmc.proposal as proposal
import blackjax.mcmc.termination as termination
import blackjax.mcmc.trajectory as trajectory
from blackjax.base import SamplingAlgorithm
from blackjax.types import ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree, PRNGKey

__all__ = ["NUTSInfo", "init", "build_kernel", "as_top_level_api"]

[docs] init = hmc.init
[docs] class NUTSInfo(NamedTuple): """Additional information on the NUTS transition. This additional information can be used for debugging or computing diagnostics. momentum: The momentum that was sampled and used to integrate the trajectory. is_divergent Whether the difference in energy between the original and the new state exceeded the divergence threshold. is_turning Whether the sampling returned because the trajectory started turning back on itself. energy: Energy of the transition. trajectory_leftmost_state The leftmost state of the full trajectory. trajectory_rightmost_state The rightmost state of the full trajectory. num_trajectory_expansions Number of subtrajectory samples that were taken. num_integration_steps Number of integration steps that were taken. This is also the number of states in the full trajectory. acceptance_rate average acceptance probabilty across entire trajectory """
[docs] momentum: ArrayTree
[docs] is_divergent: bool
[docs] is_turning: bool
[docs] energy: float
[docs] trajectory_leftmost_state: integrators.IntegratorState
[docs] trajectory_rightmost_state: integrators.IntegratorState
[docs] num_trajectory_expansions: int
[docs] num_integration_steps: int
[docs] acceptance_rate: float
[docs] def build_kernel( integrator: Callable = integrators.velocity_verlet, divergence_threshold: int = 1000, ): """Build an iterative NUTS kernel. This algorithm is an iteration on the original NUTS algorithm :cite:p:`hoffman2014no` with two major differences: - We do not use slice samplig but multinomial sampling for the proposal :cite:p:`betancourt2017conceptual`; - The trajectory expansion is not recursive but iterative :cite:p:`phan2019composable`, :cite:p:`lao2020tfp`. The implementation can seem unusual for those familiar with similar algorithms. Indeed, we do not conceptualize the trajectory construction as building a tree. We feel that the tree lingo, inherited from the recursive version, is unnecessarily complicated and hides the more general concepts upon which the NUTS algorithm is built. NUTS, in essence, consists in sampling a trajectory by iteratively choosing a direction at random and integrating in this direction a number of times that doubles at every step. From this trajectory we continuously sample a proposal. When the trajectory turns on itself or when we have reached the maximum trajectory length we return the current proposal. Parameters ---------- integrator The simplectic integrator used to build trajectories. divergence_threshold The absolute difference in energy above which we consider a transition "divergent". """ def kernel( rng_key: PRNGKey, state: hmc.HMCState, logdensity_fn: Callable, step_size: float, inverse_mass_matrix: metrics.MetricTypes, max_num_doublings: int = 10, ) -> tuple[hmc.HMCState, NUTSInfo]: """Generate a new sample with the NUTS kernel.""" metric = metrics.default_metric(inverse_mass_matrix) symplectic_integrator = integrator(logdensity_fn, metric.kinetic_energy) proposal_generator = iterative_nuts_proposal( symplectic_integrator, metric.kinetic_energy, metric.check_turning, max_num_doublings, divergence_threshold, ) key_momentum, key_integrator = jax.random.split(rng_key, 2) position, logdensity, logdensity_grad = state momentum = metric.sample_momentum(key_momentum, position) integrator_state = integrators.IntegratorState( position, momentum, logdensity, logdensity_grad ) proposal, info = proposal_generator(key_integrator, integrator_state, step_size) proposal = hmc.HMCState( proposal.position, proposal.logdensity, proposal.logdensity_grad ) return proposal, info return kernel
[docs] def as_top_level_api( logdensity_fn: Callable, step_size: float, inverse_mass_matrix: metrics.MetricTypes, *, max_num_doublings: int = 10, divergence_threshold: int = 1000, integrator: Callable = integrators.velocity_verlet, ) -> SamplingAlgorithm: """Implements the (basic) user interface for the nuts kernel. Examples -------- A new NUTS kernel can be initialized and used with the following code: .. code:: nuts = blackjax.nuts(logdensity_fn, step_size, inverse_mass_matrix) state = nuts.init(position) new_state, info = nuts.step(rng_key, state) We can JIT-compile the step function for more speed: .. code:: step = jax.jit(nuts.step) new_state, info = step(rng_key, state) You can always use the base kernel should you need to: .. code:: import blackjax.mcmc.integrators as integrators kernel = blackjax.nuts.build_kernel(integrators.yoshida) state = blackjax.nuts.init(position, logdensity_fn) state, info = kernel(rng_key, state, logdensity_fn, step_size, inverse_mass_matrix) Parameters ---------- logdensity_fn The log-density function we wish to draw samples from. step_size The value to use for the step size in the symplectic integrator. inverse_mass_matrix The value to use for the inverse mass matrix when drawing a value for the momentum and computing the kinetic energy. max_num_doublings The maximum number of times we double the length of the trajectory before returning if no U-turn has been obserbed or no divergence has occured. divergence_threshold The absolute value of the difference in energy between two states above which we say that the transition is divergent. The default value is commonly found in other libraries, and yet is arbitrary. integrator (algorithm parameter) The symplectic integrator to use to integrate the trajectory. Returns ------- A ``SamplingAlgorithm``. """ kernel = build_kernel(integrator, divergence_threshold) def init_fn(position: ArrayLikeTree, rng_key=None): del rng_key return init(position, logdensity_fn) def step_fn(rng_key: PRNGKey, state): return kernel( rng_key, state, logdensity_fn, step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, max_num_doublings, ) return SamplingAlgorithm(init_fn, step_fn)
def iterative_nuts_proposal( integrator: Callable, kinetic_energy: metrics.KineticEnergy, uturn_check_fn: metrics.CheckTurning, max_num_expansions: int = 10, divergence_threshold: float = 1000, ) -> Callable: """Iterative NUTS proposal. Parameters ---------- integrator Symplectic integrator used to build the trajectory step by step. kinetic_energy Function that computes the kinetic energy. uturn_check_fn: Function that determines whether the trajectory is turning on itself (metric-dependant). step_size Size of the integration step. max_num_expansions The number of sub-trajectory samples we take to build the trajectory. divergence_threshold Threshold above which we say that there is a divergence. Returns ------- A kernel that generates a new chain state and information about the transition. """ ( new_termination_state, update_termination_state, is_criterion_met, ) = termination.iterative_uturn_numpyro(uturn_check_fn) trajectory_integrator = trajectory.dynamic_progressive_integration( integrator, kinetic_energy, update_termination_state, is_criterion_met, divergence_threshold, ) expand = trajectory.dynamic_multiplicative_expansion( trajectory_integrator, uturn_check_fn, max_num_expansions, ) def _compute_energy(state: integrators.IntegratorState) -> float: energy = -state.logdensity + kinetic_energy(state.momentum) return energy def propose(rng_key, initial_state: integrators.IntegratorState, step_size): initial_termination_state = new_termination_state( initial_state, max_num_expansions ) initial_energy = _compute_energy(initial_state) # H0 of the HMC step initial_proposal = proposal.Proposal( initial_state, initial_energy, 0.0, -np.inf ) initial_trajectory = trajectory.Trajectory( initial_state, initial_state, initial_state.momentum, 0, ) initial_expansion_state = trajectory.DynamicExpansionState( 0, initial_proposal, initial_trajectory, initial_termination_state ) expansion_state, info = expand( rng_key, initial_expansion_state, initial_energy, step_size ) is_diverging, is_turning = info num_doublings, sampled_proposal, new_trajectory, _ = expansion_state # Compute average acceptance probabilty across entire trajectory, # even over subtrees that may have been rejected acceptance_rate = ( jnp.exp(sampled_proposal.sum_log_p_accept) / new_trajectory.num_states ) info = NUTSInfo( initial_state.momentum, is_diverging, is_turning,, new_trajectory.leftmost_state, new_trajectory.rightmost_state, num_doublings, new_trajectory.num_states, acceptance_rate, ) return sampled_proposal.state, info return propose