Source code for blackjax.mcmc.proposal

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from typing import Callable, NamedTuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from blackjax.types import Array, PRNGKey

[docs] TrajectoryState = NamedTuple
[docs] class Proposal(NamedTuple): """Proposal for the next chain step for MCMC with trajectory building (e.g., NUTS). state: The trajectory state that corresponds to this proposal. energy: The total energy that corresponds to this proposal. weight: Weight of the proposal. It is equal to the logarithm of the sum of the canonical densities of each state :math:`e^{-H(z)}` along the trajectory. sum_log_p_accept: cumulated Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probability across entire trajectory. """
[docs] state: TrajectoryState
[docs] energy: float
[docs] weight: float
[docs] sum_log_p_accept: float
[docs] def safe_energy_diff(initial_energy: float, new_energy: float) -> float: delta_energy = initial_energy - new_energy delta_energy = jnp.where(jnp.isnan(delta_energy), -jnp.inf, delta_energy) return delta_energy
[docs] def proposal_generator(energy_fn: Callable) -> tuple[Callable, Callable]: """ Parameters ---------- energy_fn A function that computes the energy associated to a given state Returns ------- Two functions, one to generate an initial proposal when no step has been taken, another to generate proposals after each step. """ def new(state: TrajectoryState) -> Proposal: return Proposal(state, energy_fn(state), 0.0, -jnp.inf) def update(initial_energy: float, new_state: TrajectoryState) -> Proposal: """Generate a new proposal from a trajectory state. The trajectory state records information about the position in the state space and corresponding logdensity. A proposal also carries a weight that is equal to the difference between the current energy and the previous one. It thus carries information about the previous states as well as the current state. Parameters ---------- initial_energy: The initial energy. new_state: The new state. Returns ------- A proposal """ new_energy = energy_fn(new_state) delta_energy = safe_energy_diff(initial_energy, new_energy) # The weight of the new proposal is equal to H0 - H(z_new) weight = delta_energy # Acceptance statistic min(e^{H0 - H(z_new)}, 1) sum_log_p_accept = jnp.minimum(delta_energy, 0.0) return Proposal( new_state, new_energy, weight, sum_log_p_accept, ) return new, update
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROGRESSIVE SAMPLING # # To avoid keeping the entire trajectory in memory, we only memorize the # extreme points of the trajectory and the current sample proposal. # Progressive sampling updates this proposal as the trajectory is being sampled # or built. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def progressive_uniform_sampling( rng_key: PRNGKey, proposal: Proposal, new_proposal: Proposal ) -> Proposal: # Using expit to compute exp(w1) / (exp(w0) + exp(w1)) p_accept = jax.scipy.special.expit(new_proposal.weight - proposal.weight) do_accept = jax.random.bernoulli(rng_key, p_accept) new_weight = jnp.logaddexp(proposal.weight, new_proposal.weight) new_sum_log_p_accept = jnp.logaddexp( proposal.sum_log_p_accept, new_proposal.sum_log_p_accept ) return jax.lax.cond( do_accept, lambda _: Proposal( new_proposal.state,, new_weight, new_sum_log_p_accept, ), lambda _: Proposal( proposal.state,, new_weight, new_sum_log_p_accept, ), operand=None, )
[docs] def progressive_biased_sampling( rng_key: PRNGKey, proposal: Proposal, new_proposal: Proposal ) -> Proposal: """Baised proposal sampling :cite:p:`betancourt2017conceptual`. Unlike uniform sampling, biased sampling favors new proposals. It thus biases the transition away from the trajectory's initial state. """ p_accept = jnp.clip(jnp.exp(new_proposal.weight - proposal.weight), max=1) do_accept = jax.random.bernoulli(rng_key, p_accept) new_weight = jnp.logaddexp(proposal.weight, new_proposal.weight) new_sum_log_p_accept = jnp.logaddexp( proposal.sum_log_p_accept, new_proposal.sum_log_p_accept ) return jax.lax.cond( do_accept, lambda _: Proposal( new_proposal.state,, new_weight, new_sum_log_p_accept, ), lambda _: Proposal( proposal.state,, new_weight, new_sum_log_p_accept, ), operand=None, )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- # STATIC SAMPLING # --------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def compute_asymmetric_acceptance_ratio(transition_energy_fn: Callable) -> Callable: """Generate a meta function to compute the transition between two states. In particular, both states are used to compute the energies to consider in weighting the proposal, to account for asymmetries. Parameters ---------- transition_energy_fn A function that computes the energy of a transition from an initial state to a new state, given some optional keyword arguments. Returns ------- A functions to compute the acceptance ratio . """ def compute_acceptance_ratio( initial_state: TrajectoryState, state: TrajectoryState, **energy_params, ) -> float: new_energy = transition_energy_fn(initial_state, state, **energy_params) prev_energy = transition_energy_fn(state, initial_state, **energy_params) log_p_accept = safe_energy_diff(prev_energy, new_energy) return log_p_accept return compute_acceptance_ratio
[docs] def static_binomial_sampling( rng_key: PRNGKey, log_p_accept: float, proposal, new_proposal ): """Accept or reject a proposal. In the static setting, the probability with which the new proposal is accepted is a function of the difference in energy between the previous and the current states. If the current energy is lower than the previous one then the new proposal is accepted with probability 1. """ p_accept = jnp.clip(jnp.exp(log_p_accept), max=1) do_accept = jax.random.bernoulli(rng_key, p_accept) info = do_accept, p_accept, None return ( jax.lax.cond( do_accept, lambda _: new_proposal, lambda _: proposal, operand=None, ), info, )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- # NON-REVERSIVLE SLICE SAMPLING # --------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def nonreversible_slice_sampling( slice: Array, delta_energy: float, proposal, new_proposal ): """Slice sampling for non-reversible Metropolis-Hasting update. Performs a non-reversible update of a uniform [0, 1] value for Metropolis-Hastings accept/reject decisions :cite:p:`neal2020non`, in addition to the accept/reject step of a current state and new proposal. """ p_accept = jnp.clip(jnp.exp(delta_energy), max=1) do_accept = jnp.log(jnp.abs(slice)) <= delta_energy slice_next = slice * (jnp.exp(-delta_energy) * do_accept + (1 - do_accept)) info = do_accept, p_accept, slice_next return ( jax.lax.cond( do_accept, lambda _: new_proposal, lambda _: proposal, operand=None, ), info, )