Source code for blackjax.sgmcmc.diffusions

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"""Solvers for Langevin diffusions."""
import operator

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from blackjax.types import ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree, PRNGKey
from blackjax.util import generate_gaussian_noise, pytree_size

__all__ = ["overdamped_langevin", "sghmc", "sgnht"]

[docs] def overdamped_langevin(): """Euler solver for overdamped Langevin diffusion. This algorithm was ported from :cite:p:`coullon2022sgmcmcjax`. """ def one_step( rng_key: PRNGKey, position: ArrayLikeTree, logdensity_grad: ArrayLikeTree, step_size: float, temperature: float = 1.0, ) -> ArrayTree: noise = generate_gaussian_noise(rng_key, position) position = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda p, g, n: p + step_size * g + jnp.sqrt(2 * temperature * step_size) * n, position, logdensity_grad, noise, ) return position return one_step
[docs] def sghmc(alpha: float = 0.01, beta: float = 0): """Euler solver for the diffusion equation of the SGHMC algorithm :cite:p:`chen2014stochastic`, with parameters alpha and beta scaled according to :cite:p:`ma2015complete`. This algorithm was ported from :cite:p:`coullon2022sgmcmcjax`. """ def one_step( rng_key: PRNGKey, position: ArrayLikeTree, momentum: ArrayLikeTree, logdensity_grad: ArrayLikeTree, step_size: float, temperature: float = 1.0, ): noise = generate_gaussian_noise(rng_key, position) position = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda x, p: x + step_size * p, position, momentum ) momentum = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda p, g, n: (1.0 - alpha * step_size) * p + step_size * g + jnp.sqrt( step_size * temperature * (2 * alpha - step_size * temperature * beta) ) * n, momentum, logdensity_grad, noise, ) return position, momentum return one_step
[docs] def sgnht(alpha: float = 0.01, beta: float = 0): """Euler solver for the diffusion equation of the SGNHT algorithm :cite:p:`ding2014bayesian`. This algorithm was ported from :cite:p:`coullon2022sgmcmcjax`. """ def one_step( rng_key: PRNGKey, position: ArrayLikeTree, momentum: ArrayLikeTree, xi: float, logdensity_grad: ArrayLikeTree, step_size: float, temperature: float = 1.0, ): noise = generate_gaussian_noise(rng_key, position) position = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda x, p: x + step_size * p, position, momentum ) momentum = jax.tree_util.tree_map( lambda p, g, n: (1.0 - xi * step_size) * p + step_size * g + jnp.sqrt( step_size * temperature * (2 * alpha - step_size * temperature * beta) ) * n, momentum, logdensity_grad, noise, ) momentum_dot = jax.tree_util.tree_reduce( operator.add, jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.sum(x * x), momentum) ) d = pytree_size(momentum) xi = xi + step_size * (momentum_dot / d - temperature) return position, momentum, xi return one_step