Source code for blackjax.sgmcmc.gradients

# Copyright 2020- The Blackjax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Callable

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from blackjax.types import ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree

[docs] def logdensity_estimator( logprior_fn: Callable, loglikelihood_fn: Callable, data_size: int ) -> Callable: """Builds a simple estimator for the log-density. This estimator first appeared in :cite:p:`robbins1951stochastic`. The `logprior_fn` function has a single argument: the current position (value of parameters). The `loglikelihood_fn` takes two arguments: the current position and a batch of data; if there are several variables (as, for instance, in a supervised learning contexts), they are passed in a tuple. This algorithm was ported from :cite:p:`coullon2022sgmcmcjax`. Parameters ---------- logprior_fn The log-probability density function corresponding to the prior distribution. loglikelihood_fn The log-probability density function corresponding to the likelihood. data_size The number of items in the full dataset. """ def logdensity_estimator_fn( position: ArrayLikeTree, minibatch: ArrayLikeTree ) -> ArrayTree: """Return an approximation of the log-posterior density. Parameters ---------- position The current value of the random variables. batch The current batch of data Returns ------- An approximation of the value of the log-posterior density function for the current value of the random variables. """ logprior = logprior_fn(position) batch_loglikelihood = jax.vmap(loglikelihood_fn, in_axes=(None, 0)) return logprior + data_size * jnp.mean( batch_loglikelihood(position, minibatch), axis=0 ) return logdensity_estimator_fn
[docs] def grad_estimator( logprior_fn: Callable, loglikelihood_fn: Callable, data_size: int ) -> Callable: """Build a simple estimator for the gradient of the log-density.""" logdensity_estimator_fn = logdensity_estimator( logprior_fn, loglikelihood_fn, data_size ) return jax.grad(logdensity_estimator_fn)
[docs] def control_variates( logdensity_grad_estimator: Callable, centering_position: ArrayLikeTree, data: ArrayLikeTree, ) -> Callable: """Builds a control variate gradient estimator :cite:p:`baker2019control`. This algorithm was ported from :cite:p:`coullon2022sgmcmcjax`. Parameters ---------- logdensity_grad_estimator A function that approximates the target's gradient function. data The full dataset. centering_position Centering position for the control variates (typically the MAP). """ cv_grad_value = logdensity_grad_estimator(centering_position, data) def cv_grad_estimator_fn( position: ArrayLikeTree, minibatch: ArrayLikeTree ) -> ArrayTree: """Return an approximation of the log-posterior density. Parameters ---------- position The current value of the random variables. batch The current batch of data. The first dimension is assumed to be the batch dimension. Returns ------- An approximation of the value of the log-posterior density function for the current value of the random variables. """ grad_estimate = logdensity_grad_estimator(position, minibatch) center_grad_estimate = logdensity_grad_estimator(centering_position, minibatch) return lambda grad_est, cv_grad_est, cv_grad: cv_grad + grad_est - cv_grad_est, grad_estimate, center_grad_estimate, cv_grad_value, ) return cv_grad_estimator_fn