Source code for blackjax.sgmcmc.sgnht

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"""Public API for the Stochastic gradient Nosé-Hoover Thermostat kernel."""
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple, Union

import blackjax.sgmcmc.diffusions as diffusions
from blackjax.base import SamplingAlgorithm
from blackjax.types import ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree, PRNGKey
from blackjax.util import generate_gaussian_noise

__all__ = ["SGNHTState", "init", "build_kernel", "as_top_level_api"]

[docs] class SGNHTState(NamedTuple): r"""State of the SGNHT algorithm. Parameters ---------- position Current position in the sample space. momentum Current momentum in the sample space. xi Scalar thermostat controlling kinetic energy. """
[docs] position: ArrayTree
[docs] momentum: ArrayTree
[docs] xi: float
[docs] def init(position: ArrayLikeTree, rng_key: PRNGKey, xi: float) -> SGNHTState: momentum = generate_gaussian_noise(rng_key, position) return SGNHTState(position, momentum, xi)
[docs] def build_kernel(alpha: float = 0.01, beta: float = 0) -> Callable: """Stochastic gradient Nosé-Hoover Thermostat (SGNHT) algorithm.""" integrator = diffusions.sgnht(alpha, beta) def kernel( rng_key: PRNGKey, state: SGNHTState, grad_estimator: Callable, minibatch: ArrayLikeTree, step_size: float, temperature: float = 1.0, ) -> ArrayTree: position, momentum, xi = state logdensity_grad = grad_estimator(position, minibatch) position, momentum, xi = integrator( rng_key, position, momentum, xi, logdensity_grad, step_size, temperature ) return SGNHTState(position, momentum, xi) return kernel
[docs] def as_top_level_api( grad_estimator: Callable, alpha: float = 0.01, beta: float = 0.0, ) -> SamplingAlgorithm: """Implements the (basic) user interface for the SGNHT kernel. The general sgnht kernel (:meth:`blackjax.sgmcmc.sgnht.build_kernel`, alias `blackjax.sgnht.build_kernel`) can be cumbersome to manipulate. Since most users only need to specify the kernel parameters at initialization time, we provide a helper function that specializes the general kernel. Example ------- To initialize a SGNHT kernel one needs to specify a schedule function, which returns a step size at each sampling step, and a gradient estimator function. Here for a constant step size, and `data_size` data samples: .. code:: grad_estimator = blackjax.sgmcmc.gradients.grad_estimator(logprior_fn, loglikelihood_fn, data_size) We can now initialize the sgnht kernel and the state. .. code:: sgnht = blackjax.sgnht(grad_estimator) state = sgnht.init(rng_key, position) Assuming we have an iterator `batches` that yields batches of data we can perform one step: .. code:: step_size = 1e-3 minibatch = next(batches) new_state = sgnht.step(rng_key, state, minibatch, step_size) Kernels are not jit-compiled by default so you will need to do it manually: .. code:: step = jax.jit(sgnht.step) new_state = step(rng_key, state, minibatch, step_size) Parameters ---------- grad_estimator A function that takes a position, a batch of data and returns an estimation of the gradient of the log-density at this position. Returns ------- A ``SamplingAlgorithm``. """ kernel = build_kernel(alpha, beta) def init_fn( position: ArrayLikeTree, rng_key: PRNGKey, init_xi: Union[None, float] = None, ): return init(position, rng_key, init_xi or alpha) def step_fn( rng_key: PRNGKey, state: SGNHTState, minibatch: ArrayLikeTree, step_size: float, temperature: float = 1, ) -> SGNHTState: return kernel(rng_key, state, grad_estimator, minibatch, step_size, temperature) return SamplingAlgorithm(init_fn, step_fn) # type: ignore[arg-type]