Source code for blackjax.smc.base

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from typing import Callable, NamedTuple, Optional

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from blackjax.types import Array, ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree, PRNGKey

[docs] class SMCState(NamedTuple): """State of the SMC sampler. Particles must be a ArrayTree, each leave represents a variable from the posterior, being an array of size `(n_particles, ...)`. Examples (three particles): - Single univariate posterior: [ Array([[1.], [1.2], [3.4]]) ] - Single bivariate posterior: [ Array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]) ] - Two variables, each univariate: [ Array([[1.], [1.2], [3.4]]), Array([[50.], [51], [55]]) ] - Two variables, first one bivariate, second one 4-variate: [ Array([[1., 2.], [1.2, 0.5], [3.4, 50]]), Array([[50., 51., 52., 51], [51., 52., 52. ,54.], [55., 60, 60, 70]]) ] """
[docs] particles: ArrayTree
[docs] weights: Array
[docs] update_parameters: ArrayTree
[docs] class SMCInfo(NamedTuple): """Additional information on the tempered SMC step. ancestors: Array The index of the particles proposed by the MCMC pass that were selected by the resampling step. log_likelihood_increment: float The log-likelihood increment due to the current step of the SMC algorithm. update_info: NamedTuple Additional information returned by the update function. """
[docs] ancestors: Array
[docs] log_likelihood_increment: float
[docs] update_info: NamedTuple
[docs] def init(particles: ArrayLikeTree, init_update_params): # Infer the number of particles from the size of the leading dimension of # the first leaf of the inputted PyTree. num_particles = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(particles)[0][0].shape[0] weights = jnp.ones(num_particles) / num_particles return SMCState(particles, weights, init_update_params)
[docs] def step( rng_key: PRNGKey, state: SMCState, update_fn: Callable, weight_fn: Callable, resample_fn: Callable, num_resampled: Optional[int] = None, ) -> tuple[SMCState, SMCInfo]: """General SMC sampling step. `update_fn` here corresponds to the Markov kernel $M_{t+1}$, and `weight_fn` corresponds to the potential function $G_t$. We first use `update_fn` to generate new particles from the current ones, weigh these particles using `weight_fn` and resample them with `resample_fn`. The `update_fn` and `weight_fn` functions must be batched by the called either using `jax.vmap` or `jax.pmap`. In Feynman-Kac terms, the algorithm goes roughly as follows: .. code:: M_t: update_fn G_t: weight_fn R_t: resample_fn idx = R_t(weights) x_t = x_tm1[idx] x_{t+1} = M_t(x_t) weights = G_t(x_{t+1}) Parameters ---------- rng_key Key used to generate pseudo-random numbers. state Current state of the SMC sampler: particles and their respective log-weights update_fn Function that takes an array of keys and particles and returns new particles. weight_fn Function that assigns a weight to the particles. resample_fn Function that resamples the particles. num_resampled The number of particles to resample. This can be used to implement Waste-Free SMC :cite:p:`dau2020waste`, in which case we resample a number :math:`M<N` of particles, and the update function is in charge of returning :math:`N` samples. Returns ------- new_particles An array that contains the new particles generated by this SMC step. info An `SMCInfo` object that contains extra information about the SMC transition. """ updating_key, resampling_key = jax.random.split(rng_key, 2) num_particles = state.weights.shape[0] if num_resampled is None: num_resampled = num_particles resampling_idx = resample_fn(resampling_key, state.weights, num_resampled) particles = x: x[resampling_idx], state.particles) keys = jax.random.split(updating_key, num_resampled) particles, update_info = update_fn(keys, particles, state.update_parameters) log_weights = weight_fn(particles) logsum_weights = jax.scipy.special.logsumexp(log_weights) normalizing_constant = logsum_weights - jnp.log(num_particles) weights = jnp.exp(log_weights - logsum_weights) return SMCState(particles, weights, state.update_parameters), SMCInfo( resampling_idx, normalizing_constant, update_info )
[docs] def extend_params(n_particles, params): """Given a dictionary of params, repeats them for every single particle. The expected usage is in cases where the aim is to repeat the same parameters for all chains within SMC. """ def extend(param): return jnp.repeat(jnp.asarray(param)[None, ...], n_particles, axis=0) return, params)