Source code for blackjax.smc.resampling

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""" All things resampling. """
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from blackjax.types import Array, PRNGKey

def _resampling_func(func, name, desc="", additional_params="") -> Callable:
    # Decorator for resampling function

    doc = f"""
    {name} resampling. {desc}

    key: Array
        PRNGKey to use in resampling
    weights: Array
        Weights to resample
    num_samples: int
        Number of particles to sample

    idx: Array
        Array of size `num_samples` to use for resampling

    func.__doc__ = doc
    return func

@partial(_resampling_func, name="Systematic")
[docs] def systematic(rng_key: PRNGKey, weights: Array, num_samples: int) -> Array: return _systematic_or_stratified(rng_key, weights, num_samples, True)
@partial(_resampling_func, name="Stratified")
[docs] def stratified(rng_key: PRNGKey, weights: Array, num_samples: int) -> Array: return _systematic_or_stratified(rng_key, weights, num_samples, False)
@partial( _resampling_func, name="Multinomial", desc=""" This has higher variance than other resampling schemes, and should only be used for illustration purposes, or if your algorithm *REALLY* needs independent samples.""", )
[docs] def multinomial(rng_key: PRNGKey, weights: Array, num_samples: int) -> Array: # In practice we don't have to sort the generated uniforms, but searchsorted # works faster and is more stable if both inputs are sorted, so we use the # _sorted_uniforms from N. Chopin, but still use searchsorted instead of his # O(N) loop as our code is meant to work on GPU where searchsorted is # O(log(N)) anyway. n = weights.shape[0] linspace = _sorted_uniforms(rng_key, num_samples) cumsum = jnp.cumsum(weights) idx = jnp.searchsorted(cumsum, linspace) return jnp.clip(idx, 0, n - 1)
@partial( _resampling_func, name="Residual", desc=""" This code is adapted from, but made to be compatible with JAX static shape jitting that would not have supported the dynamic slicing implementation of Nicolas. The below will be (slightly) less efficient on CPU but has the benefit of being all XLA-devices compatible. The main difference with Nicolas Chopin's code lies in the introduction of N+1 in the array as a 'sink state' for unused indices.""", )
[docs] def residual(rng_key: PRNGKey, weights: Array, num_samples: int) -> Array: key1, key2 = jax.random.split(rng_key) N = weights.shape[0] N_sample_weights = num_samples * weights idx = jnp.arange(num_samples) integer_part = jnp.floor(N_sample_weights).astype(jnp.int32) sum_integer_part = jnp.sum(integer_part) residual_part = N_sample_weights - integer_part residual_sample = multinomial( key1, residual_part / (num_samples - sum_integer_part), num_samples ) # Permutation is needed due to the concatenation happening at the last step. # # I am pretty sure we can use lower variance resamplers inside here instead # of multinomial, but I am not sure yet due to the loss of exchangeability, # and as a consequence I am playing it safe. residual_sample = jax.random.permutation(key2, residual_sample) integer_idx = jnp.repeat( jnp.arange(N + 1), jnp.concatenate([integer_part, jnp.array([num_samples - sum_integer_part])], 0), total_repeat_length=num_samples, ) idx = jnp.where(idx >= sum_integer_part, residual_sample, integer_idx) return idx
def _systematic_or_stratified( rng_key: PRNGKey, weights: Array, num_samples: int, is_systematic: bool ) -> Array: n = weights.shape[0] if is_systematic: u = jax.random.uniform(rng_key, ()) else: u = jax.random.uniform(rng_key, (num_samples,)) cumsum = jnp.cumsum(weights) linspace = (jnp.arange(num_samples, dtype=weights.dtype) + u) / num_samples idx = jnp.searchsorted(cumsum, linspace) return jnp.clip(idx, 0, n - 1) def _sorted_uniforms(rng_key: PRNGKey, n) -> Array: # Credit goes to Nicolas Chopin us = jax.random.uniform(rng_key, (n + 1,)) z = jnp.cumsum(-jnp.log(us)) return z[:-1] / z[-1]