Source code for blackjax.smc.tempered

# Copyright 2020- The Blackjax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Callable, NamedTuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

import blackjax.smc as smc
from blackjax.base import SamplingAlgorithm
from blackjax.smc.base import SMCState
from blackjax.types import Array, ArrayLikeTree, ArrayTree, PRNGKey

__all__ = ["TemperedSMCState", "init", "build_kernel", "as_top_level_api"]

[docs] class TemperedSMCState(NamedTuple): """Current state for the tempered SMC algorithm. particles: PyTree The particles' positions. lmbda: float Current value of the tempering parameter. """
[docs] particles: ArrayTree
[docs] weights: Array
[docs] lmbda: float
[docs] def init(particles: ArrayLikeTree): # Infer the number of particles from the size of the leading dimension of # the first leaf of the inputted PyTree. num_particles = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(particles)[0][0].shape[0] weights = jnp.ones(num_particles) / num_particles return TemperedSMCState(particles, weights, 0.0)
[docs] def build_kernel( logprior_fn: Callable, loglikelihood_fn: Callable, mcmc_step_fn: Callable, mcmc_init_fn: Callable, resampling_fn: Callable, ) -> Callable: """Build the base Tempered SMC kernel. Tempered SMC uses tempering to sample from a distribution given by .. math:: p(x) \\propto p_0(x) \\exp(-V(x)) \\mathrm{d}x where :math:`p_0` is the prior distribution, typically easy to sample from and for which the density is easy to compute, and :math:`\\exp(-V(x))` is an unnormalized likelihood term for which :math:`V(x)` is easy to compute pointwise. Parameters ---------- logprior_fn A function that computes the log density of the prior distribution loglikelihood_fn A function that returns the probability at a given position. mcmc_step_fn A function that creates a mcmc kernel from a log-probability density function. mcmc_init_fn: Callable A function that creates a new mcmc state from a position and a log-probability density function. resampling_fn A random function that resamples generated particles based of weights num_mcmc_iterations Number of iterations in the MCMC chain. Returns ------- A callable that takes a rng_key and a TemperedSMCState that contains the current state of the chain and that returns a new state of the chain along with information about the transition. """ def kernel( rng_key: PRNGKey, state: TemperedSMCState, num_mcmc_steps: int, lmbda: float, mcmc_parameters: dict, ) -> tuple[TemperedSMCState, smc.base.SMCInfo]: """Move the particles one step using the Tempered SMC algorithm. Parameters ---------- rng_key JAX PRNGKey for randomness state Current state of the tempered SMC algorithm lmbda Current value of the tempering parameter Returns ------- state The new state of the tempered SMC algorithm info Additional information on the SMC step """ delta = lmbda - state.lmbda def log_weights_fn(position: ArrayLikeTree) -> float: return delta * loglikelihood_fn(position) def tempered_logposterior_fn(position: ArrayLikeTree) -> float: logprior = logprior_fn(position) tempered_loglikelihood = state.lmbda * loglikelihood_fn(position) return logprior + tempered_loglikelihood def mcmc_kernel(rng_key, position, step_parameters): state = mcmc_init_fn(position, tempered_logposterior_fn) def body_fn(state, rng_key): new_state, info = mcmc_step_fn( rng_key, state, tempered_logposterior_fn, **step_parameters ) return new_state, info keys = jax.random.split(rng_key, num_mcmc_steps) last_state, info = jax.lax.scan(body_fn, state, keys) return last_state.position, info smc_state, info = smc.base.step( rng_key, SMCState(state.particles, state.weights, mcmc_parameters), jax.vmap(mcmc_kernel), jax.vmap(log_weights_fn), resampling_fn, ) tempered_state = TemperedSMCState( smc_state.particles, smc_state.weights, state.lmbda + delta ) return tempered_state, info return kernel
[docs] def as_top_level_api( logprior_fn: Callable, loglikelihood_fn: Callable, mcmc_step_fn: Callable, mcmc_init_fn: Callable, mcmc_parameters: dict, resampling_fn: Callable, num_mcmc_steps: int = 10, ) -> SamplingAlgorithm: """Implements the (basic) user interface for the Adaptive Tempered SMC kernel. Parameters ---------- logprior_fn The log-prior function of the model we wish to draw samples from. loglikelihood_fn The log-likelihood function of the model we wish to draw samples from. mcmc_step_fn The MCMC step function used to update the particles. mcmc_init_fn The MCMC init function used to build a MCMC state from a particle position. mcmc_parameters The parameters of the MCMC step function. resampling_fn The function used to resample the particles. num_mcmc_steps The number of times the MCMC kernel is applied to the particles per step. Returns ------- A ``SamplingAlgorithm``. """ kernel = build_kernel( logprior_fn, loglikelihood_fn, mcmc_step_fn, mcmc_init_fn, resampling_fn, ) def init_fn(position: ArrayLikeTree, rng_key=None): del rng_key return init(position) def step_fn(rng_key: PRNGKey, state, lmbda): return kernel( rng_key, state, num_mcmc_steps, lmbda, mcmc_parameters, ) return SamplingAlgorithm(init_fn, step_fn) # type: ignore[arg-type]